Welcome to the Communications Department

The office of Communication's primary purpose is to effectively communicate news and information to members of Mtendere Main Seventh-day Adventists and the public at large. The department also strives to train, support and guide church communication leaders to effetively develop a positive image with the public.

Communication concentrates on creating a positive reputation for the Adventist Church among members and non-members.

“Through the years divine instruction has come to the church concerning the importance of using contemporary communication media in spreading the gospel. We have been counseled: We must take every justifiable means of bringing the light before the people. Let the press be utilized, and let every advertising agency be employed that will call attention to the work. Means will be devised to reach hearts. Some of the methods used in this work will be different from the methods used in the work in the past . . . .” SDA Church Manual, pp. 121-122


To create a favourable image of the church, it'smission, life, witness and related activities by using the most effective means of communication.


Building bridges of hope.


  • Our commitment to communicate hope by focusing on the quality of life that is complete in Jesus Christ
  • Our commitment to creative relevance (1Cor 9:19 )
  • Our commitment to standards of excellence (1Cor 3:13)
  • Our commitment to express all communication in the context of the church's strategic values of unity, growth and quality of life


The department facilitates looks the following functions:

  • News and information
  • Public relations & Media Relations
  • Media production services
  • Crisis communication
  • On-line services


  • Encourage professional continuing education program for church communication directors,
  • Provide communication consultation,
  • Establish and facilitate Media Relations with secular media
  • Operate the church's main Web site,
  • Continue to implement involvement in global Internet ministry
  • Facilitate media productions and development of communication resources
  • Provide communication assistance to church administration, ministries and services

For more about world news visit the Adventist News Network.


 1. Click here to view departmental details 2. Click here to view our time management 3. Click here to view our success stories


1. Departmental details


Name:Clement Chiyokoma

Position:Communication Leader




Name:Mumba Katongo Wilson

Position:Website adminstrator



Name:Lawrence Ngoma

Position:Elder Incharge of Communication



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2. Our Time Management

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3. Our Success stories

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