Welcome to the Adventistist Youth Department
Welcome to the Youth Ministries Department
'Salvation of youth through Jesus Christ'
As we look into the future of the Seventh-day Adventist Youth Ministry, we need to be inspired by the past in order to shape a stronger ministry for our youth. The same vision that inspired Harry Fenner (17) and Luther Warren (14) in 1879 must continue to guide youth ministry in the future. Our challenge now, is to build on what these pioneers started to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s generations. The approaches may be different but Biblical principles should never be compromised, and the main reasons for having youth ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist church must always remain the same.
Youth Ministry is academic in nature, running progressively from Busy Bee to Master Guide on prescribed syllabus; it remains desirable to ensure that these grades are operating in the local churches with a constant supply of resource manuals. It is desirable for each district to sustain a library of both software and hard copy resource manuals to ensure a steady progression of learning from year to year.
Those who finish as Master Guides are to pursue Master Awards by obtaining a minimum of seven honors in ten categories for Home Making Master, Artisan Master, Conservation Master, Naturalist Master, Recreation Master, Farming Master, Sportsman Master, Technician Master, Wilderness Master and Witnessing Master.
And it shall be desirable for Master Guides to defend their investiture by each individual going through public assessment before a panel of judges so as to encourage quality and ideals of excellence and maintain an active reserve of qualified master guides. It is also desirable for voice of youth sermon to be back on the platform of Youth evangelism and stimulate the youth passion for public soul winning.
The task for youth leadership at all levels of the church is to:
Lead youth to understand their individual worth and to discover and develop their spiritual gifts and abilities.
Equip and empower youth for a life of service with God’s church and community.
Ensure the integration of youth into all aspects of church life and leadership in order that there might be full participation in the mission of the church.
The Youth Ministries Department was organized to give leadership training and to provide resource materials and evangelistic plans for the Adventist Youth Society in the local churches. The Spirit of Prophecy sets forth the objectives of the youth organization as follows:
1. To train the youth to work for other youth (Nurture).
2. To recruit the youth to help their church and “those who profess to be Sabbath keepers” (Organization).
3. To work “for those who are not of our faith” (Witnessing)
4. To help the youth to be self-supportive
5. To encourage the youth to take an active role in infrastructure development
Youth Ministry can be a huge blessing to the church and society, a catalyst for change, and a refuge fortress for young people who are looking for some help other than the dying world. The challenge demands a degree of openness and risk-taking not seen in the church for year.
For Resources Vist:
1. Click here to view departmental details 2. Click here to view our time management 3. Click here to view our success stories
Name:Sitothozile Ndundu Position:Youth Leader Cell:+260979263749 Email:sndundu@yahoo.com |
Name:Mushongo Mbangu Position: Cell: Email: |
Name:David Chivindi Position: Cell: Email: |
Name:Elder G Siyangwenya Position:Elder in Charge/Patron Cell: Email: |
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you can download the youth department manual by clicking the Links below
Youth Administrave Manual Click here to download
Pathfinder adminstrave Manual Click here to download
Pastor’s and Elder’s Handbook ForYouth Ministry Click here to download
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