Door to door evangelism started in 1971 in the area with Sr. Laura Mano. She held a number of door to door prayers before she could finally join the main service at Kanyama Main SDA church by then Chinika SDA company which worshipped in a class room at Chinika School.
In the long run a few youths decided to start going with her for main service. Transport became a challenge when interest grew among the members. In the year 1997 Br. Elias Mpala got moved and offered his kitchen for prayers, a Sabbath school branch started which later moved to Br. Robson Mpala's kitchen, the number slowly increase with mainly youths with Sr. Laura Mano being the first branch leader. At this time Kanyama which was then Chinika sent the first Deacon ever being Br. Muchimba. In that Sabbath school branch 3 baptisms took place winning 8 souls among whom were Sr. Mable Mpala, Sr. Cecilia Mpala, Harry Phiri, Br. Banda, Br. K. Matiya, Kenneth Nkuwa, Br. and Sr. Arnold Mutinta
The song that where mainly being taught and sung every Sabbath was No. 21 and 50 local. At this time churches were divided into districts. We fell under Lusaka Mission District with our first pastor being pastor Michelo now retired and is at Sinai SDA church. Between 1979 81 the church moved to Shorthorn in 1982. Shorthorn branch was organized into a company under the leadership of Pastor Sipuni. Our first company leader was Mr. Joshua Mano, Stanford Mwinga came in with full force of Bible studies of end of times among the lessons were signs of his coming. He taught us about the communication of cellphones, HIV/AIDS, change of currency and many other things which we currently are seeing on this day. At every Bible studies which they sung hymn No. 40 local (Trust and Obey).
Another notable Evangelist who brought Shorthorn to its heights was Justine Muleya now in South Africa at the point when the branch was being organized the church saw the blessing of the ground breaking. Our first building chairman was Samuel Mano and our first Builder being Elder George Kangwa (Kanyama West). Through the years while Elder Mano was company leader he grilled the young men into leadership at 18 years. K. Matiya and K. Nkuwa became our first assistant company leaders. The number increased reasonably in the year 1990. Elder Maimbo Nakachelo was the first company leader under Kanyama Mission District under the leadership of Pastor Madima who later took the company to be organized into a church. Our first administration elder was Br. Maimbo Nakachelo assisted by Elder Mutelo Friday,
Treasurer - Sr. Nakushowa and Sr. Malambo
Sabbath Sch - Sr. Masauso Lungu
Personal Minintries - Br. Kenneth Matiya
Church Clerk - Br. Moses Nakushowa
Dorcas - Sr. Shangala Esther
Youths - Sr. Choongo and Phila Mutelo
Head Deacon - Br. Malambo
H/Deaconess - Sr. Chimwamutaba
Shorthorn in the years as a company hosted 1 camp meeting, 1 dorcamo rally and 1 youth camp at district level with a number of weekend camps and a number of other events.
The church has seen two weddings being blessed in the church.
Other notable pastors who served, Pastor Peter N. Kunda who saw the mission house being built. He is greatly remembered for the door to door visitation on each Shorthorn member in homes. Sr. Nyirenda who was building chairperson when church became company. Others:
Mr. Nyirenda Chilikuza Farm
Mr. Samuel Munjanja
Mr. Malambo P
Mr. Mano Joshua
Mr. Shamfwesa
Mr. Chigadzamba
Mr. Ndhovu Frank - farmer
Mr. Mulendema C.
Other pastors who served.
Ev. Kufa
Pastor Chansa
Pastor Kunda
Pastor Kayaya
Pastor Chibala
Pastor Mwendabai
Pastor Hamilton Paul Mulendema Jr.
The following in the life of this church served as
Head Elders
Br. Kenneth Nkuwa
Br. Tomson Siacobe
Br. Kennedy Nalishuwa
Br. Manvule Namakondwi
Br. Manuyamba
Br. Sikabinga Tedson
Br. Maimbo, Nakachelo
Br. Syangwenya
Br. Ngoma L. M
Br. Namadula D. S.
Br. Mbangu Mbangu
The following served as building chairpersons
Sr. Shafwesa Regina
Sr. Choongo Eve
Elder Namadula D. S.
Br. Namala Muna
Elder Mbangu Mbangu
Elder Ngoma L. M.
Br. Felix Mutale
Br. Fios Nalishuwa
The church has a title deed; thanks to Mr. Shem Simuyemba who was moved to donate 2 acre plot to the church. We also wish to thank Sr. Laura Mano for ensuring that the church received the title deed. Mr. Chintu Mulendema for donating sixty six (66) Asbestos roofing sheets and twelve (12) matching roof ridges. We also wish to thank all members of Shorthorn church, too numerous to itemize; for their unflinching support. The church fell three times in its formative construction stages. May God richly reward all of you with your families.
Hold on! Keep your faith alive! For very soon the one we have been, waiting for will come: God bless!